Sunday, August 30, 2015

Proposed ordinance to ban noisy mufflers in Valenzuela City

    Noisy mufflers of a motor cycle is very irritating as if the owner of the bike is also the owner of the whole public road way. It is very interesting to know that it is not noticed by the owner of the bike itself or they even brag about having a noisy, unwanted loud noise of their bikes. I'm a bike owner myself and originally all of the bike has a silencer and it is modified by the owner to make it noisier.

Proposed ordinance to ban noisy mufflers in Valenzuela City

    I'm hoping that our city government here in Valenzuela has an ear to hear the loud deafening sound of the mufflers of the motorcycle around the metro. Asides from noisy muffler, they even make the road a race track it is very dangerous.

WHY? Proposed ordinance to ban noisy mufflers in Valenzuela City

  1. Noise is deafening - early in the morning you will hear the loudness of the muffler in the street and wakes you up. The noise produced also has a deafening effect in the longer run mostly in the younger infants.
  2. Dangerous - One of the effect of loud, deafening muffler is the driver itself is increasing his adrenaline that results to the motivation of speeding up more and leads to accident. Loud muffler do not allows you to hear any other vehicle around you. Also it produces irritation to the listener around you that leads to street fight. Many motor cycle accidents are actually rooted to noisy muffler.
  3. REALLY BAD EFFECTS: A. Hearing Impairment; B. Hypertension; C. Ischemic Heart Disease; D. Annoyance; E. Sleep Disturbance; F. Birth Defects.
  4. REALLY ANNOYING - The other bad thing about noisy muffler is when you are at the back of the rider following him, the air coming out is very irritating. Some of the muffler is directed right into your face.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Valenzuel Gen. Hospital: There's no priority lane for Pregnant or Miscarriage Women

   As I have mentioned before Valenzuela General Hospital also know as Karuhatan General Hospital is known for low quality of service and poor facilities. One of what I observed is that even if you are a pregnant woman there is no priority in that hospital and even the one who miscarriage for a couple of months.








      There's no problem standing waiting outside for a person who doesn't have disability or not pregnant. The problem is pregnant women, old men, disabled person are waiting for their term outside the hospital burning from the heat of the sun. Our city government must take an action for this problem. Pregnant women outside of the hospital be given a good care. Waiting shed and bench will not cost for them to have a comfortable hospital.
        When you enter the hospital and talk to the staffs you'll guess that they don't know what their talking about. They are not knowledgeable and educated with what the patient needed.

         To the management of Valenzuela General Hospital: We need your Quality Customer Service. We're paying our taxes. Your the one who is getting paid off. Do your job correctly. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Cooking egg is not an easy task for those who are not really into cooking. With the proper way and step by step procedure in this video will make cooking egg without making it stick to a pan easy. Cook like a pro and watch this video.


Here are the steps in cooking egg without sticking it to the pan:

  1. Turn on the stove and put the pan and wait the pan to have enough heat. Having a high temperature on pan makes perfect cooking on egg because it lessens the friction of the pan. As we have studied on science heat makes the molecules goes apart to each other and it makes the same way here.
  2. Put the cooking oil. Cooking oil has a greater non-stick effect because of high-density of its molecule allowing the pan and the egg not to stick together.
  3. Wait. Time is also important in cooking it lets the egg to be cooked properly to slide through the pan.

      There are three factor that makes this cooking successful: Heat + Pan + Oil + Time = Perfect egg without making it stick to the pan. This video is inspired by many people having a problem cooking their eggs. But with proper education and training cooking egg will be more fun and exciting. 


    Sugal or gambling is one not only simple game for Filipinos it is also an addiction. It is one of the common cause of a household to fall into the pit of poverty. Numerous cases including JUETENG, TONGITS, SABONG and common game gumbling like DOTA and COUNTERSTRIKE are being use to gamble.


     Watch Sugal (Death Game) until the end and see the twist, lessons and highlight of the story. This is  campaign made by our church SKC to promote ANTI-GAMBLING campaign here in VALENZUELA CITY. Mayor REX GATCHALIAN is one that spearhead this mission to eradicate gambling that destroys many family.


S - Sinful. In such a way that you are opposing God's way of blessing trough lottery. There is also some cases that a person that is addicted to gambling leads to hold-aping, thief and even murder.

U - Unappropriated to any kind of lifestyle. Either you are at the high, middle and lower class it will drain you and your families resources.

G - Greedy. Greedy in a sense that you'll come to a point that you want to have more and more even if you have everything. It is really addicting. It will never satisfies you.

A - Anxiety. It will give you fear to focus on future knowing that gambling is not a definite answer to growing number of poverty.

L - Lost. Lost of time, money, resources and even life. 


    This proposal is very unique in a sense that it is very simple yet touching, amazing and surprising that is really essential in proposing to someone. This is an amazing and must watch video Zak Mirzadeh.

MAGIC TRICK PROPOSAL - Girl unknowingly films her own magical proposal

         Why this video is one of the best? Because it doesn't have to become expensive. A camera, a magic trick and YouTube upload will do for the people of this world know how you love someone. A great idea from this guy. Nowadays, there is a lot of luxurious proposal that we already watch online and we tend to think that we have to have a huge amount of money to propose. But it is not a big deal, for as long as you love the person the money don't matter. You will be creative and unique to your one and only true love. 


     For God gave us not the Spirit of Fear but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND-MIND - 2 Timothy 1:7. Today's topic is all about on how to overcome fear, anxiety and paranoia. FEAR is is a vital response to physical and emotional danger. However, ANXIETY according to Meriam Webster is fear or nervousness about what might happen and PARANOIA according to Wikipedia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. So we can see now that they have one thing in common and the root of it is FEAR.

    I experienced personally all of these the taught like everybody has a bad motive against me. Thinking like everybody is against you is almost hell on earth and you can not sleep. You can not eat well or your too much eating. Fear is an emotion brought by bad experiences that might happen again or a bad experience that might happen on the future. As mentioned above fear is vital response to physical and emotional danger that means it is beneficial for us to have fear - yes it is! Because without fear we will not able to grow or worst we will always fail. But we do have to defeat fear. Fear is beneficial in a sense that you will know that you are able, able to overcome something you are afraid at. How will you know that you've overcome something without fear? Right? So it is beneficial. If you have fear on something it is good. But if you let your fear conquer you then it is bad. Conquer your fear. God will not say "You are more than conqueror" if we don't have something to conquer.

  1. BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS - Why because God commanded it. It is not a suggestion or opinion. It is God's commandment for you to know you are really courageous. But how? Know that God is always with you then You will be courageous. Meet a Christian or your fellow Christian to help you to strengthen your faith or to renew your faith in God. and pray for it.
  2. FEAR ONLY GOD - If you fear only God then nothing in this world that you will be afraid of. It said that the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom. So if you have godly fear you will come up to your senses and think "If God is with me, then no one in this world can be against me cause God created everything seen or unseen".
  3. READ THE BIBLE - Reading God's Word give you a deeper knowledge about how great, strong and awesome God is. Have your daily devotion and let the Holy Ghost speak to you for you to know what God wants to tell you.
  4. LOVE - Yes. But not puppy love because puppy love can get you rabies. We need to have a true love. A true love as said in the Bible can cast out fear. Because there is no fear on true love. A true love that can bring you to your next level. Loving God and loving people this is what He commanded to us. There is a real power in true love.
  5. SELF-CONTROL - Self-control is control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc. It means that if we are afraid we can control that kind of feeling by focusing on other greater emotion like LOVE. If you can not control yourself the yourself will control you. Don't let your fear control your life.
FINAL WORD: Don't let your fear control your life. Let God and Love control your life because fear doesn't have to deal you anymore. It is God's material for you to draw nearer to Him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why I HATE to go in Karuhatan General Hospital or VALGEN?

       One of the public hospital here in Valenzuela City located at Karuhatan. A hospital known for very poor services offered, yes it is public hospital and it doesn't have to be low class hospital when it comes to services - WHY? Because here in Valenzuela City (with our Mayor Rex Gatchalian), we pay huge amount of taxes like land tax, building tax, business fee, business permit and many more. So where is our taxes going? This is the common question of a patient going there for hospital assistance. 

Bakit Ayoko (Why I don't like) sa Karuhatan General Hospital or VALGEN?
  1. POOR SERVICE - as far as I know, many OJTs from different schools are having their intern their. So the doctor have to teach the interns while giving a checkup for a patient. (Ibig sabihin, naghihingalo ka na tinuturuan parin nya ang mga OJTs). LONG PILE OF LINE - And that is also the reason why there is a long pile of line of patients waiting to their term.LONG HOURS OF WAITING - It takes for about 30 mins (for pregnant women) per patient for them to get what they need. YOU HAVE TO GO EARLY - And by the way they only cater 30 patients (pregnant women) per day so if you don't come early for you name to be enlisted then you have to go to the next schedule (which is usually next week).
  2. THEY DON'T SERVE YOU IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY - During my stay to that hospital for about 3 weeks, there is a lot of rumors I heard that people or staffs on that hospital will ignore you if you don't have money. One of the stories I heard is that their loved ones rushed to this hospital where really in pain with difficulty in breathing and the nurse there did not pay attention but by he time they show some money they immediately give the oxygen to their patient.
  3. POOR AND SMALL WAITING AREA - You can see the patient around the hospital waiting under the heat of the sun, on the side walk, on the stairs. If your lucky, you can be at the real waiting area where you can see a lot of clothes and baggage from one of the relative of the patient (it is like you are at the bus terminal), you won't be able to sit to the benches.
  4. UNHYGIENIC AND DANGEROUS COMFORT ROOM - Yes, what the heck? Is this really a hospital? The floor tile is always wet (if your unlucky you might slip and rush on inside the hospital for head trauma). It smells like a public toilet.
  5. SYSTEM FAILURE - When I say SYSTEM FAILURE it is the way they do their jobs. The guards have miscommunication and that's the reason why even if you are listed earlier you will be listed last. Since it is public and there is different doctors looking for patient, those doctors have different finding or observation and prescription (and they even say to their patient "why your previous doctor did not give you this prescription?, whoa! What the heck. The doctors don't even communicate to each other").
  • Anyways... there is a lot of reason why I don't want to be on that hospital but there is also advantage or lessons to learn. And that is to be PATIENT. In that hospital you have to be patient. Yeah you have to be patient...


       A super cool person is the one that has the look and the if you don't have it you can still make someone make a wow impression. One of the person that is Super Cool Man for me is Patrick Jane. Patrick Jane (born September, 16 1974) is a fictional character and the protagonist of the CBS crime drama The Mentalist, portrayed by Simon Baker. Jane is an independent consultant for a fictionalized version of the California Bureau of Investigation, and helps by giving advice and insight from his many years as a fake psychic medium. He uses his keen powers of observation, deduction, and knowledge of social engineering coupled with his genius to help lead the investigations.

      Patrick Jane is a fictional person I know, but he can help us a lot on how to boost our confidence and learn to make impress people.

  1. YOU CAN NEVER BE A SUPER COOL PERSON -  Yes, you can never be a super cool person. But you can Step on His shoes to become one. What do I mean by that? It is modeling. Becoming whoever you want to be. Talk like him, walk like him, dress like him. It is as simple as that.
  2. BE A PERSON OF HUMOR - You have to become you humorous person by trying to be like it. The best way to become a Person of Humor is read funny stories and share it. And the secret is you must not laugh at your own story. Pretend that it is not funny to you and say that you are just telling a story.
  3. BE A PERSON OF HUMOR AND SERIOUS - As I have said recently. Share a funny story and don't laugh in that way people may think that this person is different. If everyone is laughing and your not. You cool dude.
  4. KNOW SOME BASIC MAGIC TRICKS - Yes, you heard it right! I did not tell that you have to become a magician. People are just so amazed with magic. Those things that are mind bugling.
  5. BE AT CHURCH AND CLOSE TO GOD - Nowadays, people admire those who are going to church and being close to God. In line with that, initiate in prayer when nobody is. Pray for someone.
  6. GO TO GYM - This will boost your confidence to others and by building up those flesh in you to become muscles. Going to gym stimulates some neurons in our brain and releases some glands that will make us fell confident and reduces stress.
  7. KNOW MMA - Basic self-defense will do and teach others so that it will be beneficial on their part.
  8. SHARING GOD'S WORD - Yes again. No one does it and if you'll do, your brave. You are more than someone who jump over a 100 story building.
  9. BE A GIVER - Giving to someone is the best thing you can offer for you to become a super cool person why? Because people won't listen to what you say, but on what you do. If you can not give something they say something like motivation to someone if he is discouraged or down.
  10. KNOW HOW TO COOK - This a great thing to learn. People eat and not all know how to cook. If your a man and know how to cook, girl will definitely fall on you.



 Being filled by the Holy Spirit is very important and one of the less given attention in church today. I'm not Pentecostal, I'm a Born Again Christian and it is not bad to speak in tongues and it is not also a bad thing if your filled and don't speak in tongues. It is a gift that you can pray for. But if you are a Christian you must crave for the INFILLING OF THE SPIRIT. The Spirit is always there and He will never leave you the moment you accepted Christ as your Saviour.


  1. ATTEND AN ENCOUNTER - What is an encounter? An Encounter is a 3 day retreat. If your church is member of G12, you can talk to your pastor on how to attend this 3 day life changing event of your life. An encounter is an event where you Encounter God face to face (and I can't detail many things about that, it is an awesome thing for me to describe so must attend it. I guarantee you).
  2. FASTING - Usual fasting is not eating a meal or drinking for a couple of days (and it depends most of time on your pastor's instruction). Fasting can be also not watching TV, not surfing the net or not logging in to your Facebook account or not doing anything that you use to do for your flesh to get satisfied.
  3. PRAYER - Prayer doesn't have to be too long for you to feel the Presence of God. It is the purpose, the meaning of your prayer that counts. It is telling to God everything you are experiencing everyday. It can be a thanks giving a request and even a complain (yes! You heard it right! Even complain). God knows you inside out and you can not hide everything from God. You must be true.
  4. DEVOTION - What is devotion? It is reading God's Word (the BIBLE) and writing down the (SOAP) Scripture, your Observation on the passage, Application and Prayer. It is knowing God and listening to what is He presently saying to you as you go on to this life. It is very helpful tool to be with God and to feel His presence. It is like you are the one inside the Bible. One of the character that God is talking with.
  5. CRY - Crying is one of the best way to be in the Spirit. It is when you don't care about anything and anyone and the only thing that you care about is crying out to God. As the Bible says "A BROKEN SPIRIT and a CONTRITE HEART YOU will not DESPISE". God is close to a BROKEN SPIRIT.
  6. LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN SONGS - There is a lot of Christian Music you can listen to YouTube but I suggest that you listen to Live Christian Songs like Hillsong. Once you listen to Christian Songs you will understand the message of the song to your life. And it is very effective when you listen to Christian Concert songs where there is a lot of Christian worshiping God, it is like you getting on the same event where the concert is and you can feel the Spirit.
  7. BE WITH A SPIRIT FILLED CHRISTIANS - This is somehow rare to find :). Nowadays, as I have mentioned on my previous Blog Spirit filled Christians are those who are on fire with the MISSION and VISION of the church and that is to WIN SOULS and MAKE DISCIPLES. They talk about this things all the time and they never get tired of doing this,
  8. WATCH CHRISTIAN MOVIES - It is like listening to Christian Songs. Christian movies like FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS and COURAGEOUS are very effective Christian movies and you will get deeper knowledge of how God moves to our lives.
  9. TALK TO YOUR PASTOR - YES you heard it right. Talk to your pastor, it is very effective because we know that our Pastors is one of the closest person to God (as far as we know). You can ask your local pastors to fill you with the Spirit by laying on of his hands. And again, this is hard to find pastors nowadays.
  10. SING CHRISTIAN SONGS - If you know some Christian songs it is better for you to sing it while listening to it. It is great if you know how to play guitar. You can make your own lyrics with the same tone worshiping and praising God.
    This are the TOP 10 THINGS TO DO TO BE FILLED BY THE SPIRIT. I hope you like it. Don't forget to like and comment on our page. Thanks.

KNOW THE REASONS: "Bakit Worship Service na di ko ramdam"

    Whenever I got to our church I don't feel excited anymore - the worst part of it is that after service I felt really exhausted. Bakit di ko ramdam? I can't feel the Holy Spirit moving, I don't feel really blessed instead feeling exhausted and drained. Nakakapagod. Really exhausting. Do you feel the same? If you are... then your not alone. But I have some reasons to give you why and how to be filled and feel the Spirit fill you and overflow to the max.

    Is it weird that the old people in the church is not bothered to the fact that there is no Spirit in the church? It is a house focus on activities rather on God? How can I say so, this are some examples. (Pag pasok mo lang sa church yung mga greeters or ushers di man lang marunong ngumiti or kung ngumiti man halatang plastic or pilit). The moment you entered in the church the greeters and ushers don't even greet you or smiled at you or even if they smile you can see that it is not for real. Does the old people in the church notice this? I think not. If I say old people in the church they are not the literally old men and women of the church, they are the member of the church for a very long time (and they don't even care whether they are filled with the Spirit or not, the only reason why they are on church is because of knowing that attending to church will save them). The OLD PEOPLE don't bother if they are not sharing the Gospel (kasi nga matanda na kaya iniisip na di kaya(because they think that they can't do it because they are old enough)). Even if the book of Matthew said "Go ye therefore and make disciples of the nations". They don't even care for the souls outside if they are going to hell. And why do I mention things about OLD PEOPLE on the church? Is it relevant to our topic " I can't feel the Holy Spirit moving?" - YES IT IS. Not sharing the Gospel won't give you the same feeling Christ felt for the LOST SOUL, you won't feel the Spirit moving and you will not be filled by it because your not doing what Christ did and you tend to ignore it. YES! your ignoring it. You don't even move your finger to do it, the WHAT? Winning souls and making disciples.

    Anyways, I am a song leader at our church and speaker. At first, I cried a lot to God that I don't want to see dead people worshiping You God in our church (by the way they look dead worshipers when you are on the stage, they don't react to any worship song - they simply sing it like in the videoke). It took prayer and fasting for God to move and for me to see the result. And guess what? After an intense Spiritual Warfare, I got on the stage with the confidence coming from God and BAM, the Spirit moves intensely and powerfully in the church. Yes... How do I know? You will know it if you pray and ask for it. The feeling is something that is beyond ordinary. I can't explain it but you can if you will.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Finally! Attack on Titan Live Action Part 2 Trailer REVEALED!!!

WATCH: Attack on Titan Live Action

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is a 2015 Japanese dark fantasy action horror film based on the manga series of the same name byHajime Isayama. The film will be split into two parts, with the first part released in Japan on August 1, 2015 and the second part, titled Attack on Titan: End of the World (進撃の巨人 エンド オブ ザ ワールド Shingeki no Kyojin: Endo obu za Wārudo), immediately to follow on September 19, 2015. The film was directed by Shinji Higuchi, written by Yūsuke Watanabe and Tomohiro Machiyama and stars Haruma MiuraKiko Mizuhara and Kanata Hongō.

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