Friday, September 4, 2015

Am I Attending the "REAL" Church?

    If your looking at this blog your probably having problem with your church or your seeking God's wisdom to answer some questions that a lot of Christians has. AM I ATTENDING A REAL CHURCH? Why does this question comes to your mind? There's a lot of WHYS, for a Christian who really is seeking God and that's a good start for you bro. The Lord says "You will seek Me and find Me if you seek Me with all of your Heart". So this is the right reading for you. Have you ever experienced God's presence? Have you seen church people giving you are warm welcome? Does the preacher or pastor have compassion while sharing the Word of God? Actually I'm not an expert guy to tell you the answers to the question written above but I can assure you I have been to many churches and I know if I really attending a real church. The answer is very practical.

    A REAL CHURCH - has a respected pastor. Practically speaking if your pastor in your church is not being respected by many and has a lot of opposers. Yes! He is the leader of the church. He must be respected, honored, followed and 


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