Tuesday, September 1, 2015


    My wife and I went to Valenzuela Medical Center for unknown number of times for check up and laboratory and we met this girl who is diagnosed with miscarriage due to no heart beat of the fetus. So the mother was so disappointed to hear that from the doctor (because the baby was about 3 months) . She tried to tell the doctor that maybe she could have another ultrasound for the 2nd time to make sure that the baby was dead but the doctor insisted that "there is no heart beat it means your baby is dead! ("wala ng ngang heart beat kaya patay na!"). The doctor immediately gave some a lot of medicine prescriptions from oral to vaginal.

       So while she is telling her story she looks so disappointed, irritated and hungry. She's eating a lot and she told us that she still has the same symptoms or signs of being pregnant or pregnancy sickness that she still is conceiving (which show that the baby inside her is still ALIVE!). I ask her immediately "Sis, why don't you try to have another ultrasound to prove that the baby is really dead?", she said: "I think, it is nonsense. If ever my baby is still alive, I'm afraid that he will come out with many disabilities due to a lot of medicine intakes - and I might even let the baby die now! Rather than to suffer being alive with disabilities."

       It is sad to hear it to a mother losing hope for her baby because of what the doctor says. A week after, we never seen her again outside the hospital and heard a news from our fellow patients. We heard that after her ultrasound they found out the baby is still alive. YES! THE BABY IS STILL ALIVE! We're somehow glad to know that and angry at the same time to the doctor who has a faulty diagnosis. What I've heard now is to cover up their mistake, they gave her a special treatment, gave her expensive vitamins and free check ups and delivery. Everything.

      What I just hope is that the baby will be still healthy after what happened and HOPING THAT THIS INCIDENT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN THE HISTORY OF VALENZUELA MEDICAL CENTER. 


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