Wednesday, August 26, 2015



 Being filled by the Holy Spirit is very important and one of the less given attention in church today. I'm not Pentecostal, I'm a Born Again Christian and it is not bad to speak in tongues and it is not also a bad thing if your filled and don't speak in tongues. It is a gift that you can pray for. But if you are a Christian you must crave for the INFILLING OF THE SPIRIT. The Spirit is always there and He will never leave you the moment you accepted Christ as your Saviour.


  1. ATTEND AN ENCOUNTER - What is an encounter? An Encounter is a 3 day retreat. If your church is member of G12, you can talk to your pastor on how to attend this 3 day life changing event of your life. An encounter is an event where you Encounter God face to face (and I can't detail many things about that, it is an awesome thing for me to describe so must attend it. I guarantee you).
  2. FASTING - Usual fasting is not eating a meal or drinking for a couple of days (and it depends most of time on your pastor's instruction). Fasting can be also not watching TV, not surfing the net or not logging in to your Facebook account or not doing anything that you use to do for your flesh to get satisfied.
  3. PRAYER - Prayer doesn't have to be too long for you to feel the Presence of God. It is the purpose, the meaning of your prayer that counts. It is telling to God everything you are experiencing everyday. It can be a thanks giving a request and even a complain (yes! You heard it right! Even complain). God knows you inside out and you can not hide everything from God. You must be true.
  4. DEVOTION - What is devotion? It is reading God's Word (the BIBLE) and writing down the (SOAP) Scripture, your Observation on the passage, Application and Prayer. It is knowing God and listening to what is He presently saying to you as you go on to this life. It is very helpful tool to be with God and to feel His presence. It is like you are the one inside the Bible. One of the character that God is talking with.
  5. CRY - Crying is one of the best way to be in the Spirit. It is when you don't care about anything and anyone and the only thing that you care about is crying out to God. As the Bible says "A BROKEN SPIRIT and a CONTRITE HEART YOU will not DESPISE". God is close to a BROKEN SPIRIT.
  6. LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN SONGS - There is a lot of Christian Music you can listen to YouTube but I suggest that you listen to Live Christian Songs like Hillsong. Once you listen to Christian Songs you will understand the message of the song to your life. And it is very effective when you listen to Christian Concert songs where there is a lot of Christian worshiping God, it is like you getting on the same event where the concert is and you can feel the Spirit.
  7. BE WITH A SPIRIT FILLED CHRISTIANS - This is somehow rare to find :). Nowadays, as I have mentioned on my previous Blog Spirit filled Christians are those who are on fire with the MISSION and VISION of the church and that is to WIN SOULS and MAKE DISCIPLES. They talk about this things all the time and they never get tired of doing this,
  8. WATCH CHRISTIAN MOVIES - It is like listening to Christian Songs. Christian movies like FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS and COURAGEOUS are very effective Christian movies and you will get deeper knowledge of how God moves to our lives.
  9. TALK TO YOUR PASTOR - YES you heard it right. Talk to your pastor, it is very effective because we know that our Pastors is one of the closest person to God (as far as we know). You can ask your local pastors to fill you with the Spirit by laying on of his hands. And again, this is hard to find pastors nowadays.
  10. SING CHRISTIAN SONGS - If you know some Christian songs it is better for you to sing it while listening to it. It is great if you know how to play guitar. You can make your own lyrics with the same tone worshiping and praising God.
    This are the TOP 10 THINGS TO DO TO BE FILLED BY THE SPIRIT. I hope you like it. Don't forget to like and comment on our page. Thanks.


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