For God gave us not the Spirit of Fear but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND-MIND - 2 Timothy 1:7. Today's topic is all about on how to overcome fear, anxiety and paranoia. FEAR is is a vital response to physical and emotional danger. However, ANXIETY according to Meriam Webster is fear or nervousness about what might happen and PARANOIA according to Wikipedia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. So we can see now that they have one thing in common and the root of it is FEAR.
I experienced personally all of these the taught like everybody has a bad motive against me. Thinking like everybody is against you is almost hell on earth and you can not sleep. You can not eat well or your too much eating. Fear is an emotion brought by bad experiences that might happen again or a bad experience that might happen on the future. As mentioned above fear is vital response to physical and emotional danger that means it is beneficial for us to have fear - yes it is! Because without fear we will not able to grow or worst we will always fail. But we do have to defeat fear. Fear is beneficial in a sense that you will know that you are able, able to overcome something you are afraid at. How will you know that you've overcome something without fear? Right? So it is beneficial. If you have fear on something it is good. But if you let your fear conquer you then it is bad. Conquer your fear. God will not say "You are more than conqueror" if we don't have something to conquer.
- BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS - Why because God commanded it. It is not a suggestion or opinion. It is God's commandment for you to know you are really courageous. But how? Know that God is always with you then You will be courageous. Meet a Christian or your fellow Christian to help you to strengthen your faith or to renew your faith in God. and pray for it.
- FEAR ONLY GOD - If you fear only God then nothing in this world that you will be afraid of. It said that the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom. So if you have godly fear you will come up to your senses and think "If God is with me, then no one in this world can be against me cause God created everything seen or unseen".
- READ THE BIBLE - Reading God's Word give you a deeper knowledge about how great, strong and awesome God is. Have your daily devotion and let the Holy Ghost speak to you for you to know what God wants to tell you.
- LOVE - Yes. But not puppy love because puppy love can get you rabies. We need to have a true love. A true love as said in the Bible can cast out fear. Because there is no fear on true love. A true love that can bring you to your next level. Loving God and loving people this is what He commanded to us. There is a real power in true love.
- SELF-CONTROL - Self-control is control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc. It means that if we are afraid we can control that kind of feeling by focusing on other greater emotion like LOVE. If you can not control yourself the yourself will control you. Don't let your fear control your life.
FINAL WORD: Don't let your fear control your life. Let God and Love control your life because fear doesn't have to deal you anymore. It is God's material for you to draw nearer to Him.