Aragami is Engage Again
Have you ever played God Eater Burst from PSP before? It is said that God Eater Resurrection is an improve version of God Eater Burst and its expected to share the storyline. However, it has been announced that Resurrection will also include a story that will connect the events of Burst and God Eater 2.
God Eater Resurrection has "Predator Style", a combat mode that will enable additional devouring options, such as mid-air, from above, while dashing and in a wild circle.
Here's the example video of Predator Style
God Eater Resurrection has "Predator Style", a combat mode that will enable additional devouring options, such as mid-air, from above, while dashing and in a wild circle.
Here's the example video of Predator Style
Skip the video at 0.46
If you are satisfied by watching the trailer and ready to hunt the Aragami? Bandai Namco and Project G.E. scheduled to release the game in October 29 from Japan for PS Vita and PS4. However, many God Eater players hoping that God Eater 2 and God Eater 2: Rage Burst would be localize in the West..