Sugal or gambling is one not only simple game for Filipinos it is also an addiction. It is one of the common cause of a household to fall into the pit of poverty. Numerous cases including JUETENG, TONGITS, SABONG and common game gumbling like DOTA and COUNTERSTRIKE are being use to gamble.
Watch Sugal (Death Game) until the end and see the twist, lessons and highlight of the story. This is campaign made by our church SKC to promote ANTI-GAMBLING campaign here in VALENZUELA CITY. Mayor REX GATCHALIAN is one that spearhead this mission to eradicate gambling that destroys many family.
S - Sinful. In such a way that you are opposing God's way of blessing trough lottery. There is also some cases that a person that is addicted to gambling leads to hold-aping, thief and even murder.
U - Unappropriated to any kind of lifestyle. Either you are at the high, middle and lower class it will drain you and your families resources.
G - Greedy. Greedy in a sense that you'll come to a point that you want to have more and more even if you have everything. It is really addicting. It will never satisfies you.
A - Anxiety. It will give you fear to focus on future knowing that gambling is not a definite answer to growing number of poverty.
L - Lost. Lost of time, money, resources and even life.